Matthew Ducharme
Writer | Gamer | Outdoorsman | cat daddy
Matthew Ducharme is a Canadian UK-based fantasy author. He’s written the first two books of an epic fantasy that he is currently querying, and hopes to have published.
Matthew has what he describes as his pseudo-superpower, that’s equal parts supe-help and super-hinderance. Diagnosed with ADHD as a child, he was convinced of his own stupidity. Over time, however, this changed. He discovered the weird and wonderful word of alternative learning. He learned how to navigate his own chaotic mind, channelling his energy and focus successfully, and started down the path of exploring the seemingly boundless expanse of his creativity.
He began writing the abovementioned books during the Pandemic to stay sharp and, well, to give his overactive mind an outlet on the long, quiet nights, and it did very well to keep him from going completely insane. The story grew, his dedication intensified, and before he knew it he’d written 290k words.
Matthew used to work onboard cruise ships, sailing around the globe, first as a Youth Activities Manager, then as the Guest Services Manager. Landed officially now, he maintains his love for travel, working for the same company, managing port operations for the massive ships. He’s a Board Member of the British Fantasy Society, and an avid tabletop gamer, Matthew loves the outdoors (archery, mountain biking, fishing and almost anything that keeps him attuned to the wilderness).
Matthew lives in Surrey, England with his wife and two cats, who hate when he writes with an unbridled passion. They have vowed to make his every effort to write as difficult as possible by screaming at the top of their lungs and sitting on his keyboard whenever he tries (the cats, of course, his wife no longer sits on his laptop, but she has been known to scream).
Matthew is not much of a social creature, to be honest, but you'll find him occasionally lurking on Instagram and Twitter. He promises he's trying to get better at this personal branding and promotion thing, but it's an alien concept.
Twitter @TheMattDucharme
Instagram @matt_ducharme83